Lesotho Planned Parenthood Association holds AGM

The Lesotho Planned Parenthood Association (LPPA) will hold its 48th Annual General Meeting on Saturday April 13th 2019 at the Blue Mountain Inn in Berea.

The theme for this year’s AGM is “She Has a Right to Decide” and the Keynote address will be delivered by the Deputy Minister of Health, Honourable Manthabiseng Phohleli.

The Composition of the AGM will be three delegates from each of the three branches of the Association, the National Executive Committee, Media Institutions and the staff of the Association; and the AGM being both the policy making and the highest body of the Association will consider and adopt the Annual Work Programme and Budget for the year 2019; the Annual Report for the year ending December 2018;

Audited Financial Statements for the year December 2018 and the Resolutions and Recommendations from the Branches.