With the country on its toes to prevent COVID-19 from spreading, Thaba Tseka is not an exception as it has also began working hard to curb the spread through screening patients who go to seek for health services at Paray hospital.

With the country on its toes to prevent COVID-19 from spreading, Thaba Tseka is not an exception as it has also began working hard to curb the spread through screening patients who go to seek for health services at Paray hospital.

This was stated in an interview on Monday by the Manager Hospital Nursing Services Sr. Catherine Lebina.

According to Sr. Lebina in that campaign, which began on March 16 about 548 were screened.

She continued to state that of the people screened, they had one suspected case from Rustenburg, but after giving it all their full attention, the patient tested negative.

Sr. Lebina said they also as the hospital, plan to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the district as the process shall continue until they are sure the disease is no longer a threat.

She said everyone entering the hospital gate is screened in the eyes and their temperatures checked adding that even during the consultations they continue to teach patients about the virus and how they can help prevent its spread.

She said that the plan is to also go into schools and teach students on precautionary measures.