Lesotho National Federation of Organizations of the Disabled -LNFOD has implemented a strategy for equitable access and response to COVID-19 pandemic. The strategy advocates for the participation and inclusion of persons with disabilities in the response to COVID-19 pandemic.
According to LNFOD press statement, the project’s objectives are to challenge the government to review national COVID-19 response and recovery plans, to ensure inclusion of disability and gender sensitivity which specifically addresses the needs of women and girls with disability, and to document experiences of the disabled during COVID-19.
On its virtual COVID-19 meeting, LNFOD shared the findings of its review on the National COVID-19 response and recovery plan.
The review was conducted last year to determine the situation of the disabled in including them in the COVID-19 decision-making processes.
The review states that learners with disabilities’ situation worsened due to the pre-existing barriers to their education.