Prof Olusola Isaac Fajana-The National University of Lesotho’s Vice Chancellor has warned against bringing the university into disrepute.
Prof. Fajana was addressing the media at the NUL campus in Roma yesterday, on allegations that the university’s management was hiring illegal migrants.
He said freedom of expression should be exercised but within reasonable limits and that, as the head of the university, he undertakes to protect the institution from its critics.
NUL management had recently come under fire from the concerned NUL Community over the ICT system (Fedena), which they argue that is costly to the university and amounts to duplication of efforts as there is already a similar system in place, which is owned by the University.
NUL’s Pro-Vice Chancellor Prof Kananelo Mosito showed that, the Council has already appointed a task team to look into the claims and is yet to compile its findings, which will then be presented to the Council.