Residents of Mpakatheng in Tlhanyaku Mokhotlong have been urged to stop criminal activities and strive to maintain peace in their village

Residents of Mpakatheng in Tlhanyaku Mokhotlong have been urged to stop criminal activities and strive to maintain peace in their village

The plea was made by several speakers who addressed a public gathering at Mpakatheng last Saturday which was organized by different church denominations in Tlhanyaku

Crimes ravaging this village include illegal possession of firearms, disrespecting Chieftainess ‘Maikemiseng Molahlehi, destruction of pastures and villagers’ crops in the fields as well as domestic violence

One of the speakers Inspector ‘Maboikano Matoetoe from Mokhotlong police strongly appealed to the public to stop these alleged crimes in their village. Insp. Matoetoe said they should report crime so that those committing it can be brought to book.

She also urged those who possess illegal firearms to hand them to the police voluntarily to avoid being penalised