Two siblings aged 9 and 16 of Ha-Belo in Botha-Bothe were laid to rest yesterday following an incident in which the house they were sleeping in was burnt to ashes.

Two siblings aged 9 and 16 of Ha-Belo in Botha-Bothe were laid to rest yesterday following an incident in which the house they were sleeping in was burnt to ashes.

This was confirmed by the District Administrator Mr. Tsépa Chaba who said that the reports he received from parents indicated that the deceased were sleeping in the same hut, when they suddenly heard the smell of gas leaking from the tank in the early hours of the morning.

Chaba noted that the elder one took a box of matches trying to find the course of the smell, the gas had already filled the whole house and it caught fire. The parents who were sleeping in another house tried to rescue them but they were already severely burnt. They were both rushed to the hospital which later transferred them to Queen ‘Mamohato Memorial hospital.