The Butha-Buthe administrator Mr. T’sepa Chaba has confirmed an incident whereby a 40-year-old man from Lerallaneng committed suicide by slashing his throat with a knife.

The Butha-Buthe administrator Mr. T’sepa Chaba has confirmed an incident whereby a 40-year-old man from Lerallaneng committed suicide by slashing his throat with a knife.

According to Mr. Chaba, on that fateful day, the deceased was with his parents he asked them to get out of the house as he wanted to clean and moments later, his mother who is partially blind heard an unusual sound, of which she thought it was her husband who usually suffers from seizure.  

He mentioned that when his brother rushed to the house, he found the victim in a pool of blood. Mr. Chaba said it is still unclear as to what led to the deceased killing himself.

Meanwhile, police investigations regarding this incident have been launched.