The Minister of Natural Resources Mr. Mohlomi Moleko has introduced three people who have been selected to monitor the implementation of the second phase of the Lesotho Highlands Water Project in Mokhotlong.

They are Mrs. ‘Mamakamane Makamane and Messers Rets’elisitsoe Motlojoa and Ts’episo Mofolo. They were introduced to members of the Mokhotlong business community at a meeting that took place in Mokhotlong last weekend.

Moleko explained that, the trio among others, will work hand in glove with the community and the Lesotho Highlands Development Authority to ensure that Basotho’s participation in the project is enhanced.He said they will thoroughly study the LHWP Treaty between Lesotho and South Africa, look into the LHDA’s Order and Act as well as protocols administering the project.

He further said, they will be responsible to the Minister of Natural Resources who will then report progress to the Cabinet’s sub committee assigned to address Mokhotlong community’s concerns regarding the project.

In his brief remarks at the same event, LHDA’s Chief Executive Officer Mr. Tente Tente said, he was happy about the selection and advised them to deal with public issues with care and transparency.