The National University of Lesotho’s Department of Soil Science and Resource Conservation Prof. Makoala Marake says, Basotho should take good care of their environment as there is close relationship between climate change, soil, water resources and food security

The National University of Lesotho’s Department of Soil Science and Resource Conservation Prof. Makoala Marake says, Basotho should take good care of their environment as there is close relationship between climate change, soil, water resources and food security.

Prof. Marake said climate change impacts soil and water resources negatively which in turn affect food production and production’s potential.

He said in the advent of climate change, Soil and Water Conservation practices have the potential to help achieve sustainable levels of food production prerequisite to zero hunger goals.

He said good policies or practices and water conservation will contribute to positive impacts of air, soil and water quality, soil productivity and achieving and maintaining of food security.

Prof. Marake highlighted that this will contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation, whereas poor policies or practices for air, soil and water conservation contribute to negative impacts of air.