The Minister of Home Affairs Mr. Motlalentoa Letsosa together with the Principal Secretary in the Social Development ministry, Mrs ‘Mantsenki Mphalane, welcomed a 22 year-old Mosotho woman who is a victim of Human Trafficking. They welcomed her at Maseru Bridge yesterday.
The victim who is the resident of Bobete in Thaba-Tseka and who worked at Maputsoe, fell victim in 2019 when she was falsely promised a legitimate job in South Africa by a Mosotho man, who is based in Pretoria.
According to a press statement from the ministry, immediately after her arrival in Pretoria, the man started abusing her sexually and threatened to kill her. Thereafter, he invited six men who also forced themselves onto her.
Lesotho’s consulate in Johannesburg Mr. Liranyane Thamae said, all this horrific acts happened in the prresence of the victim’s 4-year-old child and as a result of this continous raping, she got pregnant and had another baby. It is said that the same trafficker, has another victim who also had a baby from serial rapings.
The trafficker was arrested and is awaiting trial as investigations continue.