The Ministry of Gender, Youth, Sports and Recreation’s Chief Information Officer Mr. Maqalika Matsepe says Setsoto Stadium remains suspended in hosting international football matches, but is open to host other sporting activities such as athletics.

The Ministry of Gender, Youth, Sports and Recreation’s Chief Information Officer Mr. Maqalika Matsepe says Setsoto Stadium remains suspended in hosting international football matches, but is open to host other sporting activities such as athletics.

Matsepe said this following allegations that Setsoto stadium was set to host a three team soccer tournament featuring Bantu, Lioli and Botswana’s Township Rollers in an international pre-season soccer tournament this Saturday.

He said Bantu FC’s management made a special request to use the facility to host the tournament and that it was granted, but insisted that Setsoto stadium remains suspended for hosting international soccer tournament.

Bantu FC Communications and Marketing Manager Mr. Pule Mosoatsi confirmed that the tournament will be held at Setsoto stadium after struggling to find a suitable venue.